HELIX DN9340E/DN9344E Remote Control Software
User Guide
To Bypass the Dynamic EQ on the current channel
Tick the Bypass check box in the upper Dynamic tab by clicking on it.
To shape a Dynamic EQ section
1Click on its control panel in the lower Dynamic tab so that it is highlighted. (Dynamics initially default to 1kHz).
2Scroll or type in the Lo Threshold (quiet) and the Hi Threshold (loud) for the signal level.
3Left click on the target and drag it to the required frequency and boost/cut. The currently selected threshold is marked at the bottom left of the target. The values in the Dynamic control panel track the target.
4Using the
5Left click on the target and drag it to the required frequency and boost/cut.
Click the arrow to switch between high (HI) and low (LO) thresholds
6Right click on the target and drag the mouse up/down (the target
remains still) to increase (narrow) or decrease (widen) the Q factor or choose a shelf response from the EQ slope drop down menu in the Dynamic control panel.
The Q field is disabled when an EQ slope is selected; reset the EQ slope to Off to enable the Q field.
7If required, fine tune the settings at the PEQ panel by scrolling the Frequency, Level and Q fields.
8Specify the response to sudden rises in dB level by setting an Attack time between 20 ∝s and 100 ms using the scroll to increment in allowable steps for the sample rate or by typing in a value (use u for ∝). Typed in values are automatically adjusted to the nearest allowable value.
9Specify the response to sudden drops in dB level by setting a Release time between 10 and 2000 ∝s, using the scroll to increment in steps of 10 ∝s or by typing in a value.
Hint Adjusting the Dynamics: The target provides coarse visual adjustment, the scrolls enable fine tuning. If you know the exact values you wish to apply to, it may be quicker to type the values into the Dynamic panel. Frequencies in kHz should be entered with a ‘k’ suffix, that is, 12.5k for 12.5 kHz. Frequencies will be automatically adjusted to the nearest valid increment.
To activate the target on the other Dynamic
Click anywhere on its Dynamic panel. The selected panel becomes highlighted and the target cursor switches to the associated Dynamic, on the same threshold as your last edit.
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