Lennox International Inc XC1702, XP2101, XC2105, XP1906, XP1702 Alert Codes and Troubleshooting

Models: CBX40UHV02 EL296V01 CBX32MV06 iComfort Wifi Thermostat SL28003 G71MPP03 SLP9801 XP1702 XP1906 XC1702 XC2105 XP2101

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Table 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting

Critical alerts are displayed on Home (user) screen, in the Homeowner alert button, and in the Installer

alert button. Minor and Moderate alerts are found only in the Installer alert button.










Alert Text

Steps to clear







(Furnace) The furnace flame is out of sequence.

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Shut off gas. Check for gas valve leak. The alarm/fault




will clear on next successful ignition.







(Furnace) The furnace is not able to calibrate or

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Check vent system and pressure



the high pressure switch opened or failed to

switch wiring connections. The fault/alarm will clear when the furnace calibrates itself successfully.



close in run mode.








(Furnace) There is a problem with the furnace

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Measure resistance of hot surface igniter. Replace the hot



ignition circuit.

surface ignitor it is not within specifications. The alarm/fault will clear on next successful ignition.







(Furnace) The heating airflow is below the mini-

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Check for dirty filters and other air flow restrictions. Check



mum required level.

blower performance. The alarm/fault will clear when a heat call ends successfully.







(Furnace / Air Handler) The (furnace or air−han-

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Indoor blower motor unable to start. This could be due to



dler) indoor blower motor will not start.

seized bearing, stuck wheel, obstruction etc. Replace motor or wheel if assembly does not operate or




meet performance standards. The alarm/fault clears after the indoor blower motor starts successfully.







(Furnace) There is over current in the furnace

The system will go into Watchguard mode. Check combustion blower bearings, wiring and amps.



inducer motor.

Replace if does not operate or does not meet performance standards. The alarm/fault clears after




inducer current is sensed to be in−range after the ignition following the Watchguard mode or reset.







(Furnace) The indoor blower motor is over heat-

Indoor blower motor over temperature (motor tripped on internal protector). Check motor bearings




and amps. Replace if necessary. The alarm/fault clears after blower demand is satisfied.







(Furnace / Air Handler) There is a problem with

Compare outdoor sensor resistance to temperature/resistance charts in installation instructions.



(furnace or air−handler) discharge air sensor.

Replace sensor if necessary. The alarm/fault is cleared 30 seconds after fault is detected as recov-











(Furnace) The heat firing rate has been reduced

Warning Only. Furnace blower in cutback mode due to restricted airflow. Reduce firing rate every 60



to match available airflow (cutback mode).

seconds to match available CFM. Check filter and duct system. To clear, replace filter if needed or




repair/add duct. 2−stage controls will reduce firing rate to 1st stage. The alarm/fault clears when a




heat call finishes successfully.







(Furnace / Air Handler) The blower cannot pro-

Warning Only. Restricted airflow − Indoor blower is running at a reduced CFM (Cutback Mode − The



vide the requested CFM due to high static.

variable speed motor has pre−set speed and torque limiters to protect the motor from damage caused




by operating outside of design parameters (0 to 0.8" e.g.. total external static pressure). Check filter




and duct system. To clear, replace filter if needed or repair/add duct. The alarm/fault is cleared after




the current service demand is satisfied.







(Furnace / Air Handler) The indoor and outdoor

Check for proper configuring in installation instructions. Alarm is just a warning. The system will



unit capacities do not match.

operate, but might not meet efficiency and capacity parameters. The alarm will clear after commis-




sioning is complete.







(Furnace) Relay Y1 Failure

Y1 relay failed; operation stopped. Alarm clears 300 seconds after Y1 input sensed OFF.





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Lennox International Inc XC1702, XP2101, XC2105, XP1906, XP1702, SLP9801, G71MPP03, SL28003 Alert Codes and Troubleshooting


What are the priority levels for the alert codes?

The alert codes are categorized as critical, minor, and moderate, based on the severity of the issue.

How can I clear a critical alert on my Lennox thermostat?

To clear a critical alert, follow the specific steps provided for each alert code, such as checking for gas valve leaks, measuring resistance of ignition components, or comparing sensor resistance to temperature charts.

What should I do if my Lennox thermostat displays a minor alert?

For minor alerts, it is important to address the issue causing the alert, such as checking for restricted airflow, overheat in the blower motor, or reduced firing rate to match available airflow.