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When the idle switch is in the auto position, and

The current sensor PC board detects current flow


welding current is being drawn, the reed switch

in both the auxiliary and the weld circuits. When

CR2 is closed. This signals the idler PC board to

sufficient current is flowing in either of these cir-

deactivate the idle solenoid, allowing the governor

cuits, the lead connected to pin #31 is grounded,

to increase the engine speed to high RPM. When

signaling that high RPM is required.

When cur-

auxiliary power is being used, the current is

rent flow ceases, the lead connected to pin #31 is

passed through the toroidal current transformer.

disconnected from chassis ground, and the

This also signals the idler PC board to deactivate

engine idles down after the delay described

the idle solenoid.

When welding ceases or the




auxiliary load is removed, a preset time delay of

The idle switch and the current sensing PC board

about 15 seconds begins. When this 15 second

delay has passed, the PC board activates the idle

are wired in parallel between chassis ground and

solenoid, as described above, and pulls the

the pin#31 circuit described above. When the idle

engine governor linkage to the low idle RPM posi-

switch is set to the high position, the contacts are

tion. If welding is resumed, or an auxiliary load is

closed and the ECU operates the engine continu-

applied during this delay, the engine RPM will

ously at high RPM. When the idle switch is in the

remain high.


Auto position, the contacts are open, and the cur-

When the idle switch is in the high position, the

rent sensor PC board controls whether the pin

#31 circuit is grounded or open.



reed switch CR2 is bypassed, signaling the PC




board to leave the solenoid inactive




Classic® 300D Kubota (Codes: 11112, 11113, 11243, 11244, 11413, 11414, 11474, and 11475) The Kubota engine control unit (ECU) used in the Classic® 300D controls whether the engine oper- ates at high idle or low idle. Grounding pin #31 of the ECU signals that high RPM is required and the engine immediately accelerates to high idle RPM. Opening the circuit between pin #31and chassis ground will cause the engine RPM to drop to low idle speed, after a delay of about 15 sec- onds. If the chassis ground to pin #31 circuit re- closed during this delay, engine RPM will remain high.

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NOTE: Unshaded areas of Block Logic Diagram are the subject of discussion

CLASSIC® 300D & 300G

Page 120
Image 120
Lincoln Electric SVM194-A service manual Theory of Operation