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of the pigtail. A complete set of replacement brushes


Replace brushes when they wear within 1/4”(3.5mm)



should be kept on hand. Lincoln brushes have a


enced maintenance man seat these brushes by lightly




curved face to fit the commutator. Have an experi-




stoning the commutator as the armature rotates at full

Keep fuel clear of open flames or arcs, allow

speed until contact is made across the full face of the

engine to cool before working on the fuel system.

brushes. After stoning, blow out the dust with low pres-

Wipe up any spilled fuel and do not start engine

sure air.


until fumes clear.


To seat slip ring brushes, position the brushes in place.


Then slide one end of a piece of fine sandpaper

If the engine is running rough and you suspect air has

between slip rings and brushes with the coarse side

been trapped in the fuel system, (e.g. the engine was

against the brushes. With slight additional finger pres-

allowed to run out of fuel) perform the following steps

sure on top of the brushes, pull the sandpaper around

using qualified personnel:


the circumference of the rings - in direction of rotation

1. Fully open the air bleeding valve by turning it

only - until brushes seat properly. In addition, stone slip

ring with a fine stone. Brushes must be seated 100%.


counter clockwise, it is located on top of the fuel

Arcing or excessive exciter brush wear indicates a pos-


injection pump next to the oil filler. (see figure D3.3)

sible misaligned shaft. Have an authorized Field




Service Shop check and realign the shaft.




Air Bleeding










Before doing electrical work, disconnect the bat-













When installing a new battery or using a jumper battery



to start the engine, be sure the battery polarity is con-


Turn the engine by pressing the start button until

nected properly. The correct polarity is negative

ground. Damage to the engine alternator and the


the engine runs smoothly (this should take approx-

Engine Control Unit can result from incorrect connec-


imately 10 seconds).




Fully close the air bleeding valve by turning it clock-

1. Proper operation of the idler requires good ground-




ing of the Engine Control Unit, current sensing

Contact your Kubota Engine repair facility if problems

printed circuit board and battery.




2. If desired, the welder can be used without automat-




ic idling by setting the “Idler” switch to the “High”










Whenever routine maintenance is performed on this machine - or at least yearly - inspect all nameplates and labels for legibility. Replace those which are no longer clear. Refer to the parts list for the replacement item number.

CLASSIC® 300D & 300G

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Lincoln Electric SVM194-A service manual Kubota V2203M Engine, D3.3, Air Bleeding, Valve