Feature Descriptions
change announcements
■Use this form to assign extension numbers that are used to represent recorded announcement numbers.
change system-parameters hospitality
■On Page 2 of this form, enter one of the following values in the Announcement Type field to control the type of announcement used for wakeup calls:
—external — This is entered when an auxiliary trunk circuit pack is used to interface to other recorded announcement equipment, such as the Audichron announcements. If you use this equipment type, the Auxiliary Board for Announcement field displays and you must enter the equipment location for that circuit pack. Assign all four ports for this recorded announcement type.
Default Announcement Extension field displays and you must enter an announcement number. Once you have created some announcements, put the default announcement number in this field. All announcements must be administered on the
Recorded Announcement form.
—silence — This is entered when you have no recorded announce- ment circuit packs or announcement equipment.
Issue 1 April 1997 85