Feature Descriptions
Names Registration
Names Registration is used with a PMS that can operate in the Transparent Mode or ASCII Mode. Using the PMS terminal at
The name information provided to the server by the PMS enables a higher level of customer service. Whenever a guest calls a hotel service (front desk, room service, housekeeping), the name of the caller is displayed and the call can be answered using the guest’s name. Calls going to other guest rooms will not carry the name unless the guest room receiving the call is equipped with a digital display telephone. Without Names Registration, someone must manually enter the guest’s name through server administration.
If changes are made in the guest information during the guest’s stay, the server is updated as soon as the PMS is updated. You can also reserve a block of rooms in advance and add guest names later. An example where this works well is when the hotel is used by airline personnel. The hotel knows that guests are coming, but does not know names associated with the reservation. When the airline personnel arrive at the hotel, their names are added to the PMS and the server is updated automatically.
Only alphanumeric characters, commas, and spaces may be used in the name field when Integrated Directory is used. When the directory feature is not in use, the guest’s name may be sent to the server using the above methods and may use periods. However, the periods will not be displayed. The formats for names are:
■Last Name, (comma) First Name (for example: Jones,Fred)
■Last Name, (comma) First Name, (space) Middle Initial/Title (for exam- ple: Jones,Fred Mr)
■Last Name only (for example: Jones)
Issue 1 April 1997 71