Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-67
Database tables 2The DISPOSITION item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
Represents the call disposition and indicates whether the call in the
segment was: 1= connected (CONN, non-ACD call to a measured agent)
2= answered (ANS, split/skill or direct agent call answered by an agent)
3= abandoned (ABAN) 4= interflowed (IFLOW) 5= forced busy (FBUSY)
6= forced disconnect (FDISC) 7= other (OTHER) A connected call is a
non-ACD call to a measured agent for which CMS receives an indication
that the call was connected. An answered call is any split/skill or direct
agent ACD call for which CMS receives an indication that the call was
answered by an agent and was not a phantom abandon. An abandoned
call is any ACD call in which a caller hangs up before receiving an
answer from an agent and for which CMS receives notification that the
caller abandoned. Phantom abandons (PHANTOMABNS) are included
as abandoned calls. Interflowed calls are calls that are interflowed to an
off-switch destination. Forced busy calls are calls that CMS records as
BUSYCALLS for the trunk group that carried them. These calls can be
VDN calls that received a forced busy from the vector command or, on
the ECS and Generic 3 switches, a split/skill call for a nonvector-
controlled split that received a busy indication from the switch because
the split queue was full. For Generic 3 Version 2 and Generic 3 switches
and newer switches, forced disconnect calls are VDN calls that are
disconnected by the switch due to the execution of a disconnect vector
command. For the ECS, and Generic 3 Version 2 and later Generic 3
switches, forced disconnect calls also include calls disconnected
because of the vector disconnect timer or because they reached the end
of vector processing without being queued. Other calls include any other
calls that do not fall into categories such as answered or abandoned. See
definitions for individual tables for OTHERCALLS.