CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Table Names 1-13
Database Table Names 1
Introduction 1To select data for custom reports, you must use the names listed in the
tables in this section. The database items are described in later sections
of this document.
Real-Time Table
Names 1
The following table lists the real-time database tables and the data stored
in them:
Name Data Stored
csplit Split/Skill data for the current interval.
psplit Split/Skill data for the previous interval.
cagent Agent data for the current interval.
pagent Agent data for the previous interval.
ctkgrp Trunk group data for the current interval.
ptkgrp Trunk group data for the previous interval.
ctrunk Trunk data for the current interval.
ptrunk Trunk data for the previous interval.
cvector Vector data for the current interval.
pvector Vector data for the previous interval.
cvdn VDN data for the current interval.
pvdn VDN data for the previous interval.
ccwc Call Work Code (CWC) data for the current interval.
pcwc CWC data for the previous interval.