Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-68
Database tables 2The DISPPRIORITY item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
Priority the call had at its disposition in this segment. Priorities can be
1=NO or 2=YES (without vectoring), or 3=LOW, 4=MED, 5=HIGH, or
6=TOP (with vectoring). If the call never gets queued to a split/skill, the
priority will not be set. For the ECS and Generic 3 switches with
vectoring, calls directed to split/skills using "route to" or "messaging
split/skill" commands and calls directly routed to splits/skills without going
through a vector will have MED (no priority) or HIGH (priority) priority,
depending on the class of restriction of the originator of the call (agent,
extension, trunk group, or VDN).
Database tables 2The DISPSKLEVEL item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
The skill level (1 through 16) associated with the skill for which the agent
answered the call or, for calls that abandoned from ringing or from a
direct agent queue, with the agent from whom the call abandoned.
Database tables 2The DISPSPLIT item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
Number of the split/skill associated with the call at its disposition in this
call segment. Calls that were not queued to a split or skill at the time of
disposition will have DISPSPLIT set to null. Calls that were queued to an
unmeasured split/skill at the time of disposition will have DISPSPLIT set
to zero.