Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-71
EVENT1-9 2
Database tables 2The EVENT1-9 item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Number of times each event (stroke count) feature button (feature button
1 to 9) was pressed by agents on split/skill or direct agent ACD calls or in
after call work associated with an ACD call for this split/skill. Available
with Generic 3 switches.
This is a cumulative item.
Agent tables
The number of times each event (stroke count) feature button (1 to 9)
was pressed while the agent was on an ACD call or in call- related after
call work. Available on Generic 3 switches.
This is a cumulative item.
Call record tables
The number of times each event (stroke count) button (buttons 1 to 9)
was entered for this call segment. Available with the ECS and Generic 3
Database tables 2The EVENT_TIME item appears in the following database tables:
Agent trace tables
Time of day (hour, minute, and second) the WORKMODE or DIRECTION