Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
General information 2-3
Split/skill database items 2
Overview 2The Split/Skill database item descriptions apply to real-time and historical
Real Time Database
Items 2
Real-Time split/skill database items apply to the Current Interval
Split/Skill (csplit) and Previous Interval Split/Skill (psplit) tables. The real-
time indexes are ACD and SPLIT.
Historical Database
Items 2
Historical split/skill database items apply to the Intrahour Split/Skill
(hsplit), Daily Split/Skill (dsplit), Weekly Split/Skill (wsplit), and Monthly
Split/Skill (msplit) tables, except as noted. The historical indexes are
Customizing Reports 2Row data will be archived for the I_OL1TIME and I_OL2TIME items if the
row spent any time in the overload 1 or overload 2 threshold states. If t he
row (skill) spent all of its time in the normal state, and has no other
reason to he archived (that is, no agent staffed time, no calls handled,
and so on), then it will not be archived. When creating a report through
Report Designer or CMS Custom reports, data should be
summed across user-specified intervals in order to see meaningful report
Agent database items 2
Overview 2The Agent database item descriptions apply to real-time and historical
Real Time Database
Items 2
Real-Time agent database items apply to the Current Interval Agent
(cagent) and Previous Interval Agent (pagent) tables. The real-time
indexes are ACD, LOGID, POSITION, and SPLIT.
Historical Database
Items 2
Historical agent database items apply to the Intrahour Agent (hagent),
Daily Agent (dagent), Weekly Agent (wagent), and Monthly Agent
(magent) tables, except as noted. The historical indexes are LOGID,