

CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Interactions with Switch Features and Tracking of Switch Capabilities 1-32
Agent Role: ROLE is a new database item that has been added to
the agent tables to describe how an agent participates in a skill. The
agent’s role is based on both the agent’s Skill Level and Call
Handling Preference. Agents with a reserve skill have a role of
Reserve. Non-EAS agents and agents with Greatest need Call
Handling Preference have a role of Roving. Top agents have a role
of Top. Skill Level Call Handling Preference agents who are neither
top or reserve have a role of Backup. Agents who are Percent
Allocated have a role of Allocated.
Location (ECS
R8 and later) 1
A location, or site, refers to a physical location. This can be a building, a
section of a building, or it can be what was once a separate ACD before
the ATM WAN capability was used to merge separate ACDs with other
ACDs into one large call center. A location will typically be assigned one
(or more) location IDs. A location, despite being part of a larger call
center, may continue to have sole responsibility for handling certain 800
numbers. A location may also share responsibility for handling an 800
number by having some of its agents be part of a larger split/skill that
includes agents from other locations.

Location ID for

agents 1
An agent location ID is the ID of the agent terminal the agent is logged
into. It is associated with the DEFINTY port network ID to which the agent
terminal is attached. An agent cannot be assigned a location ID for
reporting purposes until he or she logs into the ACD. Available on the
DEFINITY ECS R7.1 with ATM and later. This is supported by the
LOC_ID database item.

Location ID for

trunks 1
network location ID (1-44) associated with a trunk. A
Location ID is not directly assigned to an trunk, instead, it is assigned to a
port network (via the


form). Therefore, each trunk whose
equipment location belongs to that port network will be associated with
that port network’s location ID. This is supported by the EQLOC database