CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
How Database Items and Calculations Are Presented 1-2
How Database Items and Calculations Are Presented 1
Introduction 1This section outlines how the
CMS database items and
calculations are presented later in the document.
Database Items 1This document defines database items used in
Sample Database
Item Table 1
The database items are presented in a table format, according to ACD
element (split/skill, agent, vector, VDN, trunk, trunk group, exception, and
so on). Below is an example of how the information is presented:
Database Tables 1The following database item tables are included in this document:
●Trunk Group
●Call Work Codes
●Agent Login/Logout
●Agent Trace
●Current Day Configuration (forecasting)
●Current Day Report (forecasting)
●Call Record
Database Item Description Type
DATABASE ITEM The definition of the database item is given here. Any
additional information, such as other database items that are
included in the sum of the database item, or specific switches
that the database item applies to, is also listed.
C, A, S, I,
N, M, or B