Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-86
(real-time) 2
Database tables 2The GNONAUXOUT item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
The current number of greatest need POSITIONS that are in AUX work
or AVAILABLE or , for Generic 3 swit ches, i ncl uding gr eatest ne ed agents
who have an ACD or AUXIN/AUXOUT call attributed to this split/skill on
hold, and on outbound extension calls.
This is a real-time item.
(real-time) 2
Database tables 2The GNDA_INACW item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Current number of greatest need POSITIONS that are in after call work
associated with direct agent calls. This includes greatest need agents
who are on ACWIN/ACWOUT calls. GNDA_INACW is a subset of
GNOTHER. Note: The total number of agents in after call work =
GNINACW + GNDA_INACW. Requires a Generic 3 switch with the ASAI
or EAS feature for direct agent calling.
This is a real-time item.
(real-time) 2
Database tables 2The GNDA_ONACD item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Current number of greatest need POSITIONS that are on direct agent
ACD calls. GNDA_ONACD is a subset of GNOTHER. Note: The total
number of greatest need agents on split/skill and direct agent ACD calls =
GNONACD + GNDA_ONACD. Requires a Generic 3 switch with the
ASAI or EAS feature for direct agent calling.
This is a real-time item.