Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-161
Database tables 2The SEGMENT item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
Number identifying the call segment. Segment numbers are from 1 up to
the number of segments in the call.
Database tables 2The SEGSTART item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
UNIX time and date when the call segment started. (UNIX time and date
is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70.) Call segments start
when CMS receives the first message for the call, since each call
segment represents a call. (When an agent transfers or conferences a
call, the agent makes another call to bring about the transfer/conference.)
Database tables 2The SEGSTOP item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
UNIX time and date when the call segment ended. (UNIX time and date
is the number of seconds since midnight, 01/01/70.) A call segment ends
when all trunks and agents associated with the call segment have
dropped off the call. This means that after call work time for the agent(s)
is included when calculating the call segment stop time.