CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Interactions with Switch Features and Tracking of Switch Capabilities 1-27
Move Agent While Staffed (G3V4 and later) 1
The G3V4 switch release supports moving a staffed agent between splits
or changing the skill assignments for staffed agents. If the agent has any
call on the voice terminal or is in ACW, then the move cannot take place
immediately, but is pending until the agent voice terminal goes idle (all
calls have been terminated), or the agent changes out of the ACW mode.
CMS provides two real-time database items in the agent data,
MOVEPENDING and PENDINGSPLIT, that can be accessed by using
custom reports to provide information about whether agents have moves
pending and, if so, the split or skill to which they are being moved. Note
that in the case that the agent’s skills are being changed and the change
adds more than one skill, the PENDINGSPLIT item will show the first skill
that is being added. It is also possible for MOVEPENDING to be set, but
for PENDINGSAPLIT to be blank (or 0). This can happen, for example,
when the link to the switch comes up and a move is pending for an agent.
CMS will be notified by the switch that the move is pending, but
PENDINGSPLIT will not be set.
Converse Vector Command (G3V2 and later) 1
The “converse” command integrates Voice Response Units (VRUs) and
the Vectoring feature. The “converse” command allows voice-response
scripts to be executed while, for example, a call waits in queue. This
command also allows data to be passed between the switch and a VRU
or from the VRU through the switch to an ASAI adjunct processor.
Tracking 1There is no vector or VDN tracking for this command. If the VRU ports
are administered as a measured split/skill, then agent and split/skill
tracking is available.
Go To Vector 1When a “go to vector” command is executed, an outflow and a “go to call”
are counted for the first vector and an inflow is counted for the second
vector, and the timing and statistics associated with the first vector for
that call stop and are started for the second vector. The call remains in
the original VDN, however, and tracking in that VDN continues.