Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-160
Database tables 2The ROW_TIME item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
The starting time for this segment.
Agent exception table
Time at which the exception occurred.
This is a cumulative item.
Split/skill exception table
Time at which the exception occurred.
This is a cumulative item.
Trunk group exception table
Time at which the exception occurred.
This is a cumulative item.
VDN exception table
Time at which the exception occurred.
This is a cumulative item.
Vector exception table
Time at which the exception occurred.
This is a cumulative item.
Malicious call trace exception table
Time at which the malicious call was reported.
This is a cumulative item.
Data collection exception table
Time at which data collection was interrupted.
This is a cumulative item.
Database tables 2The RSERVLEVELP item appears in the following database tables:
Current day report tables
Resulting percentage of calls to be handled within SERVLEVELT