Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-75
Database tables 2The EXTYPE item appears in the following database tables:
Agent exception table
The type of exception that occurred:
Value = Type
1 = Time Available
2 = Time on inbound ACD call (min)
3 = Time on inbound ACD call (max)
4 = Time in after call work
5 = Time on outbound ACW call
6 = Time on inbound ACW call
7 = Time in AUX work
8 = Time on outbound AUX call
9 = Time on inbound AUX call
10 = Number of outbound ACW calls/agent
11 = Number of inbound ACW calls/agent
12 = Number of outbound AUX calls/agent
13 = Number of inbound AUX calls/agent
14 = Login identification
15 = Time ACD call spent on hold*
16 = Number ACD calls placed on hold*
17 = Number ACD calls abandoned while on hold*
18 = Time on outbound ACD call (min)
19 = Time on outbound ACD call (max)
20 = Number calls transferred**
21 = Time on external outbound ACW call
22 = Time on external outbound AUX call
23 = Time on direct agent call
24 = Number external outbound ACW calls/agent**
25 = Number external outbound AUX calls/agent**