Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-132
Database tables 2The O_ACWTIME item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
The duration of all after call work associated with O_ACDCALL status.
Available for outbound calls on Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature.
O_ACWTIME is included in ACWTIME.
This is a cumulative item.
Agent tables
The duration of all ACW associated with O_ACDCALLS. O_ACWTIME is
included in ACWTIME. Available for outbound calling on Generic 3
switches with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item.
Database tables 2The O_OTHERCALLS item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
The number of outbound calls queued to this split/skill that were not
answered or abandoned as ACD split/skill calls. These include forced
busy calls and calls with unknown dispositions. Available for outbound
calls on Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature.
This is a cumulative item.
Trunk group tables
The number of OUTCALLS on this trunk group that were not answered or
abandoned as ACD split/skill calls. These include extension out calls,
calls forced busy and forced disconnected, short outgoing calls, and calls
with unknown dispositions. O_OTHERCALLS includes SHORTCALLS.
This is a cumulative item.
Trunk tables
The number of OUTCALLS on this trunk that were not answered as ACD
split/skill calls or abandoned. These include extension out calls, forced
busy calls, short outgoing calls, and calls with unknown dispositions.
This is a cumulative item.