Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-128
Database tables 2The NETPOLLS item appears in the following database tables:
Vector tables
Number of network polls for the consider steps in BSR. Requires the
ECS R6 and later.
This is a cumulative item.
VDN tables
Number of network polls for BSR consider steps. Requires the R6 and
later ECS.
This is a cumulative item.
Database tables 2The NOANSREDIR item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Number of split/skill ACD calls that rang at agent positions in the split/skill
and then were automatically redirected back to the split/skill queue or to a
VDN by the Redirection on No Answer feature because they were not
Available on Generic 3 Version 2 and newer switches.
Note: When a call is requeued to the same split/skill using the
Redirection on No Answer feature, it is counted as an outflow from the
split/skill and an inflow to the same split/skill. This is
true for calls that
are redirected to a VDN using the Redirection on No Answer feature,
rather than redirecting the call back to the same split/skill.
Such calls count as outflows from the original split or skill, but do not
count as inflows to the next split/skill to which they are queued through
the new VDN. It is also counted as a NOANSREDIR call and so can be
subtracted out from the outflows and from the inflows to calculate the
number of outflows and inflows that were not due to requeuing the call to
the same split.
This is a cumulative item.