Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-145
PERCENT(real-time) 2
Database tables 2The PERCENT (real-time) item appears in the following database tables:
Agent tables
The agent’s percent allocation (0-100) for a skill. Requires a DEFINITY
ECS R6 or later with EAS.
This is a status item.
PERIOD 1-9 2
Database tables 2The PERIOD 1-9 item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
The length, in seconds, of each service level increment as defined in the
Call Center Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window. Each increment
represents a progressively longer wait time.
CMS counts
answered or abandoned calls that wait beyond the last increment
(PERIOD9) in either ACDCALLS10 or ABNCALLS10.
This is an administrative item.
VDN tables
Length, in seconds, of each service level increment as defined in the Call
Center Administration. Each increment represents a progressively longer
wait time.
CMS counts answered or abandoned calls that wait
beyond the last increment (PERIOD9) in ANSCONNCALLS10.
This is an administrative item.
Database tables 2The PERIODCHG item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Indicates whether or not service level increments PERIOD1-9 (as defined
on the Call Center Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window) changed
during the collection interval. Valid values for PERIODCHG are 1 = YES
and 0= NO.
This is an administrative item.