Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-110
Call work codes tables
This indicates whether or not data is complete for this interval. Data is
incomplete whenever the link goes down and whenever tracking is
aborted for calls, due to trunk failures, the trunk going maintenance busy
with a call active (Generic 3), protocol failures with data collection active,
or when split/skill or VDN call profile is changed with data collection
active. The value for interval tables indicates whether data collection is
incomplete for the interval (0 = N0, 1 = YES). The value in the daily,
weekly, and monthly tables indicates the number of incomplete intervals
in the day, week, or month. Changing split/skill or VDN call profile data
while data collection is active only affects the respective split/skil l or VDN
This is a cumulative item.
Database tables 2The INFLAG item appears in the following database tables:
Agent login/logout tables
If not null, indicates that agent was already logged in when the link came
up. Values are NULL and "<."
Database tables 2The INFLOWCALLS item appears in the following database tables:
Split/skill tables
Number of calls that were redirected to the split/skill’s queue from
another queue.
When a call leaves the VDN (for example, by routing to another VDN) or
leaves vector processing, (for example, by routing to a split/skill) the next
split/skill to which a call queues will not be credited with an inflow. Calls
that ring at an agent and are then requeued to the same split/skill by the
Redirect on No answer feature are counted as inflows to that split/skill.
On Generic 3 switches with vectoring, an inflow is counted for calls that
intraflow from one split’s queue to another (that is, call that queue to a
split after having previously been queued to another split).