CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Interactions with Switch Features and Tracking of Switch Capabilities 1-16
Interactions with Switch Features and Tracking of Switch Capabilities 1
Introduction 1The following features and switch capabilities have an impact on
CMS database items.
and Adjunct-
Routed Calls 1
For Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature,
CMS tracks
outbound calls placed by an adjunct processor or host computer on
behalf of an agent and adjunct-routed calls. Database items that start
with O_ track outbound split/skill calls and database items that contain
ADJ track adjunct-routed calls. Adjunct-placed outbound split/skill calls
are also included as part of ACD database items such as ACDCALLS,
ACDTIME, and ACWTIME. Inbound split/skill calls can be calculated as
Call Handling
Preference 1
The agent’s call handling preference determines which call an agent will
receive when there are calls waiting for more than one of the agent’s
skills. It is also used to help determine which agent will receive a call in a
situation where there are multiple agents available in a given skill. The
possible call handling preferences are:
●Skill Level Call Handling Preference: An agent assigned Skill Level
call handling preference will receive calls first based on the level
assigned to the skill, then based on queue priority and wiat time of
the call.
●Greatest Need Call Handling Preference: An agent assigned
Greatest Need call handling preference will receive calls based on
the queue priority and wait time (current wait time or predicted wait
time) of the call, not based on the level assigned for the skill.
●Percent Allocation Call Handling Preference: An agent assigned
Percent Allocation call handling preference will receive a call based
on a comparison of times spent on calls for each skill level and the
percentage of time the agent has been allocated for each skill level.