Database Items and Calculations
CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations
Database Items 2-116
ITN (index) 2
Database tables 2The ITN (index) item appears in the following database tables:
Trunk tables
The internal trunk number of the trunk.
This is a row identifier item.
Database tables 2The KEYBD_DIALED item appears in the following database tables:
Agent trace tables
Call was keyboard dialed. Available on Generic 3 switches with the ASAI
Database tables 2The LASTCWC item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
The last call work code (up to 16 digits) entered by the answering agent
in this segment. Applies to Generic 3 switches and the ECS only.
Database tables 2The LASTDIGITS item appears in the following database tables:
Call record tables
Last set of collected digits sent to the CMS by the switch for this call.
These are digits the switch sends to CMS when it executes a "collect"
vector command. The digits may be digits the caller was prompted to
enter, either through the prompting feature on the switch or through
network-prompted digits ("caller-entered digits (CED)"), customer
database-provided digits ("CDPD" from the network), or digits collected
through a "converse" vector command. Available on ECS switches.