Chapter 4: FaxFinder Server Software Screens
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF110 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 40
Current Status Screen
Current Status Screen Field Definitions
Field Name Values Description
System fields group
Current Time weekday, mo, dd
hh:mm:ss yyyy
The present time of day.
Pending Msgs numeric Emails that have arrived in the FaxFinder Server
that have not yet been conveyed to clients.
These include faxes received from remote
senders and administrative emails of several
kinds: fax log messages, debug log messages,
send-fax error messages, mail server change
notification message (relating to the “SMTP
Server Address” field of Administration screen),
reboot message indicating that FF110 is online.
Email To: a@b.c Email recipient of latest fax message (either the
last message sent or, if a message is pending,
that pending message.
Subject: alphanumeric Subject line of email version of pending/last fax