Chapter 6: FaxFinder Client Software Operation
3.Several types of objects can be added to a cover page file. These are listed in the Insert pulldown menu.
The commands to create these objects can be invoked either here or from buttons on the Tool Bar. We will invoke various commands from these toolbar buttons throughout this procedure.
4.Decide on the categories for which you want automated fields on the fax cover page. Generally speaking, you will want to include information about the Sender and the Recipient. For each type of information, you will want a label in “Static Text” and an “Edit Box” (“Field Text”) into which the automated information will go. Information about the sender will be automatically transferred from the FaxFinder Client Software Options screen onto the cover page; information about the recipient will come to the cover page from the FaxFinder Address Book’s Contact screen or from the FaxFinder Send Fax screen (if the Add Recipient button is used to specify the fax recipient); and occasional information will come from the FaxFinder Send Fax screen (for the subject of fax and the comment) and from the client PC (for the date of the fax).
FF110 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide | 112 |