Compact Disc Read/Write. A computer controlled device that reads from and writes to high capacity optical discs.
Electronic timer used to synchronize computer operations.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A chip that contains nonvolatile memory in the Versa notebook. CMOS is backed up by an internal battery that preserves clock/calendar data and system configuration parameters stored in CMOS.
cold boot
Process of starting up the computer by turning on the power. If power is already on, the process means to turn off the computer and turn it on again. A cold boot reinitializes all devices.
A movable image on the display screen that indicates where the next entered data appears.
A value, option, or setting that the computer automatically selects until you direct it otherwise.
digital audio
Recorded sounds such as speech and sound effects. These are played back by the audio circuit’s
digital sound
A description of a sound wave that consists of binary numbers.
The process of converting an analog signal into a digital representation.
A thin flexible platter coated with a magnetic material for storing information.