Windows 2000 and Intel SpeedStep Technology
Use the Intel SpeedStep technology (available in systems with Intel Pentium III processors) to optimize processing speed and conserve battery life.
Enable Intel SpeedStep technology through the Power menu (Intel SpeedStep2) in the BIOS Setup utility. The available settings are Disabled and Enabled. Use Disabled to turn off Intel SpeedStep2 technology.
If Intel SpeedStep2 technology is enabled in your system, an icon appears on your taskbar allowing you to adjust processing properties. However, the default settings are recommended for optimal performance and battery conservation.
For information about accessing the BIOS Setup utility and the Intel SpeedStep2 technology parameter, see “Entering BIOS Setup” and “Power Menu” earlier in this chapter.
Windows 98 SE Power Management Properties
In Windows 98 SE, most ACPI power management settings are controlled through Windows Power Management Properties, not through the BIOS Setup utility, unless otherwise noted. To access Windows 98 SE Power Management Properties, go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double click Power Management.
he Power Management Properties include the following power management areas:
Power Schemes
Power Meter
Intel SpeedStep technology.