Resume On Time — When Enabled, brings the system out of a
Tat a specified time.
Resume Time — Specifies the time at which the system resumes from a power- saving state (if Resume On Time is set to Enabled).
Boot Menu
Boot menu allows you to define the boot order of system devices or to specify a boot remotely.
Boot Devices — Boot devices are listed by name, and the order of the names represents the boot order:
Diskette Drive
Hard Drive.
Network Boot Control — Specifies whether the system can be booted remotely by a signal to the LAN board.
Exit Menu
he Exit menu provides the following options:
Exit Saving Changes — Saves the changes you may have made to the BIOS settings, and exits the BIOS Setup utility.
Exit Discarding Changes — Clears any changes just made to BIOS settings and exits the BIOS Setup utility.
Load Setup Defaults — Resets all BIOS settings to what they were when the system was shipped from the factory.
Discard Changes — Discards any changes made to BIOS settings during the current BIOS Setup utility session.
Save Changes — Saves any changes made to BIOS settings during the current
TBIOS Setup utility session, but does not exit the BIOS Setup utility.
Refresh Battery — Launches the Refresh Battery utility. Once launched, the utility fully discharges your battery to eliminate any residual memory effect. Once refreshed, your battery is conditioned to recharge to its full capacity. To recharge the battery, connect your NEC Versa to AC power.