Chapter 1 Getting Started with Switch Management
This chapter provides an overview of switch management, including the methods you can choose to start managing your NETGEAR GS108T Gigabit Smart Switch. It also leads you through the steps necessary to get started, using the Smart Wizard Discovery utility. The information is discussed in the following sections:
•“System Requirements”
•“Switch Management Interface”
•“Network with a DHCP Server”
•“Network without a DHCP Server”
•“Web Access”
•“Additional Utilities”
System Requirements
The following hardware and software facilities are required to run the applications described in this manual:
•Network facilities:
–Ethernet network with or without DHCP server as appropriate
–Ethernet cable to connect the switch to a PC
•For running the Smart Wizard Discovery utility and local or remote Web management:
–OS software. Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000.
–Desktop computer running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later or Netscape Navigator 6.0 or later, or equivalent.
Note: For complete hardware installation instructions, see the GS108T Smart Switch Hardware Installation Guide included on your Resource CD, or go to http://www.netgear.com/support.