ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-117
v1.0, November 2010
show monitor session
This command displays the Port monitoring information for a particular mirroring session.
Note: This is a stand-alone “no” command. This command does not have a “normal”
Default enabled
Format no monitor
Mode Global Config
Note: The <session-id> parameter is an integer value used to identify the session.
In the current version of the software, the <session-id> parameter is always
one (1)
Format show monitor session <session-id>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
Session ID An integer value used to identify the session. Its value can be anything between 1 and
the maximum number of mirroring sessions allowed on the platform.
Admin Mode Indicates whether the Port Mirroring feature is enabled or disabled for the session
identified with <session-id>. The possible values are Enabled and Disabled.
Probe Port Probe port (destination port) for the session identified with <session-id>. If probe port
is not set then this field is blank.
Mirrored Port The port, which is configured as mirrored port (source port) for the session identified with
<session-id>. If no source port is configured for the session then this field is blank.
Type Direction in which source port configured for port mirroring.Types are tx for transmitted
packets and rx for receiving packets.