ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-27
v1.0, November 2010
no ip http secure-port
This command is used to reset the SSL port to the default value.
ip http secure-protocol
This command is used to set protocol levels (versions). The protocol level can be set to TLS1,
SSL3 or to both TLS1 and SSL3.
show ip http
This command displays the http settings for the switch.
Format ip http secure-port <portid>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no ip http secure-port
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default SSL3 and TLS1
Format ip http secure-protocol [SSL3] [TLS1]
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format show ip http
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
HTTP Mode (Unsecure) The unsecure HTTP server administrative mode.
Java Mode The java applet administrative mode which applies to both secure and un-
secure web connections.
Maximum Allowable HTTP
Sessions The number of allowable un-secure http sessions.
HTTP Session Hard Timeout The hard timeout for un-secure http sessions in hours.
HTTP Session Soft Timeout The soft timeout for un-secure http sessions in minutes.
HTTP Mode (Secure) The secure HTTP server administrative mode.
Secure Port The secure HTTP server port number.