ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-82
v1.0, November 2010
no debug spanning-tree bpdu transmit
This command disables tracing of transmitted spanning tree BPDUs.
Cable Test CommandThe cable test feature enables you to determine the cable connection status on a selected port.
This command returns the status of the specified port.
Format no debug spanning-tree bpdu transmit
Mode Privileged EXEC
Note: The cable test feature is supported only for copper cable. It is not supported for
optical fiber cable. If the port has an active link while the cable test is run, the link
can go down for the duration of the test.
Format cablestatus <unit/slot/port>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Field Description
Cable Status One of the following statuses is returned:
•Normal: The cable is working correctly.
•Open: The cable is disconnected or there is a faulty connector.
•Short: There is an electrical short in the cable.
•Cable Test Failed: The cable status could not be determined. The cable may in fact be