ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0

Switching Commands 3-177

v1.0, November 2010
show lldp med interfaceUse this command to display a summary of the current LLDP MED configuration for a specific interface. <unit/slot/port> indicates a specific physical interface. all indicates all valid LLDP interfaces.
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(Switch) #show lldp med interface all
Interface Link configMED operMED ConfigNotify TLVsTx
--------- ------ --------- -------- ------------ -----------
1/0/1 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/2 Up Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/3 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/4 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/5 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/6 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/7 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/8 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/9 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/10 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/11 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/12 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/13 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
1/0/14 Down Disabled Disabled Disabled 0,1
Format show lldp med interface {<unit/slot/port> | all}
Mode Privileged Exec
Term Definition
Interface The interface in a unit/slot/port format.
Link Shows whether the link is up or down.
ConfigMED Shows if the LLPD-MED mode is enabled or disabled on this interface
OperMED Shows if the LLPD-MED TLVs are transmitted or not on this interface.
ConfigNotify Shows if the LLPD-MED topology notification mode of this interface.
TLVsTx Shows whether the interface sends optional TLVs in the LLDPDUs. The TLV codes
can be 0 (Capabilities), 1 (Network Policy), 2 (Location), 3 (Extended PSE), 4
(Extended Pd), or 5 (Inventory).