ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Routing Commands 4-10
v1.0, November 2010
entered into the forwarding database. By specifying the preference of a static route, you control
whether a static route is more or less preferred than routes from dynamic routing protocols. The
preference also controls whether a static route is more or less preferred than other static routes to
the same destination. A route with a preference of 255 cannot be used to forward traffic.
For the static routes to be visible, you must perform the following steps:
• Enable ip routing globally.
• Enable ip routing for the interface.
• Confirm that the associated link is also up.
no ip route
This command deletes a single next hop to a destination static route. If you use the
<nexthopip> parameter, the next hop is deleted. If you use the <preference> value, the
preference value of the static route is reset to its default.
ip route default
This command configures the default route. The value for <nexthopip> is a valid IP address of
the next hop router. The <preference> is an integer value from 1 to 255. A route with a
preference of 255 cannot be used to forward traffic.
Default preference—1
Format ip route <ipaddr> <subnetmask> [<nexthopip> | Null0] [<preference>]
Mode Global Config
Format no ip route <ipaddr> <subnetmask> [{<nexthopip> [<preference>] |
Mode Global Config
Default preference—1
Format ip route default <nexthopip> [<preference>]
Mode Global Config