ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Stacking Commands 2-3
v1.0, November 2010
active Primary Management Unit fails. The switch priority defaults to the hardware management
preference value 1. Switches that do not have the hardware capability to become the Primary
Management Unit are not eligible for management.
switch renumber
This command changes the switch identifier for a switch in the stack. The <oldunit> is the
current switch identifier on the switch whose identifier is to be changed. The <newunit> is the
updated value of the switch identifier. Upon execution, the switch will be configured with the
configuration information for the new switch, if any. The old switch configuration information will
be retained, however the old switch will be operationally unplugged. This command is executed on
the Primary Management Unit.
This command moves the Primary Management Unit functionality from one switch to another.
The <fromunit> is the switch identifier on the current Primary Management Unit. The
<tounit> is the switch identifier on the new Primary Management Unit. Upon execution, the
entire stack (including all interfaces in the stack) is unconfigured and reconfigured with the
configuration on the new Primary Management Unit. After the reload is complete, all stack
management capability must be performed on the new Primary Management Unit. To preserve the
current configuration across a stack move, execute the copy system:running-config
Default enabled
Format switch <unit> priority <value>
Mode Global Config
Note: If the management unit is renumbered, then the running configuration is no longer
applied (i.e. the stack acts as if the configuration had been cleared)
Format switch <oldunit> renumber <newunit>
Mode Global Config