ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-65
v1.0, November 2010
no radius server retransmit
The no version of this command sets the value of this global parameter to the default value.
radius server timeout
This command configures the global parameter for the RADIUS client that specifies the timeout
value (in seconds) after which a request must be retransmitted to the RADIUS server if no
response is received. The timeout value is an integer in the range of 1 to 30.
no radius server timeout
The no version of this command sets the timeout global parameter to the default value.
Field Description
retries The maximum number of transmission attempts in the range of 1 to 15.
Format no radius server retransmit
Mode Global Config
Default 5
Format radius server timeout <seconds>
Mode Global Config
Field Description
retries Maximum number of transmission attempts in the range <1-30>.
Format no radius server timeout
Mode Global Config