ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-131
v1.0, November 2010
show ip dhcp snooping statisticsUse this command to list statistics for DHCP Snooping security violations on untrusted ports.Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(switch) #show ip dhcp snooping statistics
Interface MAC Verify Client Ifc DHCP Server
Failures Mismatch Msgs Rec'd
----------- ---------- ---------- -----------
1/0/2 0 0 0
1/0/3 0 0 0
1/0/4 0 0 0
1/0/5 0 0 0
1/0/6 0 0 0
1/0/7 0 0 0
1/0/8 0 0 0
1/0/9 0 0 0
1/0/10 0 0 0
1/0/11 0 0 0
1/0/12 0 0 0
1/0/13 0 0 0
1/0/14 0 0 0
1/0/15 0 0 0
1/0/16 0 0 0
1/0/17 0 0 0
1/0/18 0 0 0
1/0/19 0 0 0
Format show ip dhcp snooping statistics
Mode • Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Term Definition
Interface The IP address of the interface in unit/slot/port format.
MAC Verify
Failures Represents the number of DHCP messages that were filtered on an untrusted interface
because of source MAC address and client HW address mismatch.
Client Ifc
Mismatch Represents the number of DHCP release and Deny messages received on the different
ports than learned previously.
DHCP Server
Msgs Rec’d Represents the number of DHCP server messages received on Untrusted ports.