ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-86
v1.0, November 2010
show sflow agent
The sFlow agent collects time-based sampling of network interface statistics and flow-based
samples. These are sent to the configured sFlow receivers. Use this command to display the sFlow
agent information.
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(switch) #show sflow agent
sFlow Version.................................. 1.3;Netgear;1.0
IP Address.....................................
show sflow pollers
Use this command to display the sFlow polling instances created on the switch. Use “-” for range.
Format no sflow poller {<rcvr-indx> | interval <poll-interval>}
Mode Interface Config
Format show sflow agent
Mode Privileged EXEC
Field Description
sFlow Version Uniquely identifies the version and implementation of this MIB. The version string must
have the following structure: MIB Version; Organization; Software Revision where:
• MIB Version: ‘1.3’, the version of this MIB.
• Organization: Netgear.
• Revision: 1.0
IP Address The IP address associated with this agent.
Format show sflow pollers
Mode Privileged EXEC