ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-19
v1.0, November 2010
no spanning-tree mst
This command sets the Path Cost or Port Priority for this port within the multiple spanning tree
instance, or in the common and internal spanning tree to the respective default values. If you
specify an <mstid> parameter that corresponds to an existing multiple spanning tree instance,
you are configuring that multiple spanning tree instance. If you specify 0 (defined as the default
CIST ID) as the <mstid>, you are configuring the common and internal spanning tree instance.
If the you specify cost, this command sets the path cost for this port within a multiple spanning
tree instance or the common and internal spanning tree instance, depending on the <mstid>
parameter, to the default value, i.e. a path cost value based on the Link Speed.
If you specify external-cost, this command sets the external path cost for this port for mst ‘0’
instance, to the default value, i.e. a path cost value based on the Link Speed.
If you specify port-priority, this command sets the priority for this port within a specific multiple
spanning tree instance or the common and internal spanning tree instance, depending on the
<mstid> parameter, to the default value.
spanning-tree mst instance
This command adds a multiple spanning tree instance to the switch. The parameter <mstid> is a
number within a range of 1 to 4094, that corresponds to the new instance ID to be added. The
maximum number of multiple instances supported by the switch is 4.
Format no spanning-tree mst <mstid> <cost | external-cost | port-priority>
Mode Interface Config
Default none
Format spanning-tree mst instance <mstid>
Mode Global Config