ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-54
v1.0, November 2010
no snmptrap
This command deletes trap receivers for a community.
snmptrap snmpversion
This command modifies the SNMP version of a trap. The maximum length of <name> is 16 case-
sensitive alphanumeric characters. The <snmpversion> parameter options are snmpv1 or
snmptrap ipaddr
This command assigns an IP address to a specified community name. The maximum length of
name is 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters.
Format no snmptrap <name> {ipaddr <ipaddr|hostname> | ip6addr <ip6addr|
Mode Global Config
Note: This command does not support a “no” form.
Default snmpv2
Format snmptrap snmpversion <name> {<ipaddr | hostname> |<ip6addr|hostname>}
Mode Global Config
Note: IP addresses in the SNMP trap receiver table must be unique. If you make multiple
entries using the same IP address, the first entry is retained and processed. All
duplicate entries are ignored.
Format snmptrap ipaddr <name> <ipaddrold> <ipaddrnew | hostnamenew>
Mode Global Config