Page 96 of 258 Bandwidth Management
Network using Uniform Dialing Plan
The following section provides general network configuration for a network using UDP only.
Figure 20 shows two or more main offices with their branch offices, within a larger network. Callers within each main office/branch office “region” use UDP to place calls between systems. Callers also use UDP to place calls across the IP network to the other main office(s) and its (their) branch offices.
In a typical network, a full region uses a single Home Location Code (HLOC). However, it is also possible, where the number of users requires it, to have two or more codes, although using one for the main office and one for each branch office is unlikely at best.
Figure 20
Scenario 1: UDP throughout the network
Common details
In general, if an HLOC is shared between two or more systems, the provisioning at the main office gets more complex, unless all branch offices share HLOCs with the main office. That is, if the main office has two or more HLOCs, and one or more of these (but not necessarily the same one) is used by every branch office, then provisioning is relatively straight forward.