Bandwidth Management Page 93 of 258
Tandem Bandwidth Management overview
In order for the main office to correctly keep track of all the bandwidth being used to and from a branch office the call must be tandemed through the main office. When calls are tandemed through the main office only the signaling is tandemed, the actual voice bandwidth travels directly between the source and destination.
Bandwidth utilization for the branch office is tracked at the main office and can be displayed in LD 117 using the PRT INTERZONE command. In order to provide the correct bandwidth utilization to the main office Call Server, when a branch office is calling another node in the network, the calls must be tandemed through the main office Call Server in both the inbound and outbound direction.
Entering the main office Gateway endpoint identifier in the Tandem Endpoint field for each branch office gateways configured on the NRS only provides tandeming in the outbound direction from each branch office (from branch office to main office).
In order to tandem calls through the main office in the inbound direction (from main office to branch office), one must make use of the dialing plan capabilities of the CS 1000 to first route the call to the main office. The main office prepends a prefix to the dialed number and the number is routed to the branch office.
Tandeming all branch office calls through the main office allows the main office to keep track of the bandwidth being used at each branch office.
This feature applies to the branch office and the Adaptive Bandwidth Management feature. Specifically, it applies to calls made to and from the branch office from either telephones registered locally at the branch office (digital, analog
Main Office Configuration for Survivable Remote Gateway 50 Configuration Guide