Primary Telephone Number (LOC#)

This is the main number.

The main number can be up to 40 characters long.

Alternate Telephone Number (ALT#)

If the main number is busy or does not answer, the machine automatically dials this alternate number.

The alternate number can be up to 40 characters long.

Communications Speed

The available settings are 33.6 K, 28.8 K, 14.4 K, 9.6 K, and 4.8 K.

The default setting is 33.6 K.

If the machine you are communicating with is an older fax machine, and you are having problems communicating with it, try adjusting the speed to a lower setting.

Echo Protection State

The available settings are ON or OFF.

The default setting is OFF.

If you are experiencing problems communicating with a remote location in a very noisy telephone area, or with an overseas location, set Echo Protection to ON for the one- touch key assigned to that location.

84 OKIFAX 5780/5980

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Oki 5780 manual Primary Telephone Number LOC#, Alternate Telephone Number ALT#, Communications Speed, Echo Protection State