Section 4A: Pictures & Videos 191
Pictures & Videos
7. Select the Copy items to pick list and select whether you want to copy the selected
items to your device or to an expansion card.
8. Select the Into album pick list and select the album you want to copy the selected
items to.
9. Select Copy.
Saving a Picture as Wallpaper
You can select a picture to use as wallpaper for the Main view in the Phone application.
1. Open the picture you want to save as wallpaper.
2. Press Menu .
3. Select Options, and then select Save as Wallpaper.
4. When the confirmation message appears, confirm by selecting Yes, or decline by
selecting No.
Adding a Picture to a Contact Entry
1. Open the picture you want to add to a contact.
2. Press Menu .
3. Select Options, and then select Save as Contact.
4. Select the contact you want to add this picture to.
Tip: You can also move pictures and videos between albums. Open the Photo
(or Video) menu and select Move to. The remaining steps are the same
as those for copying pictures, but the command names display Move
instead of Copy.
Tip: Press Phone to view the new wallpaper in the Phone application.