Chapter 6

50 Additional Operations

Editing or Creating a Custom Melody

Go to www .pan for additional melodies and examples of
how to create your o w n custom m el odies.
1From standby, press (MENU ) to ent er th e M ai n M enu.
2Scroll to Tone Settings and press (OK).
3Scroll to Ri ng Alert and press ( O K).
4Scroll to Custom Melody and press (OK).
5Scroll to the custom melody you want to edit and press (EDIT).
6Scroll to Edit Melody and press (OK).
A melody can consist of three separate parts (Main
Melody, Track 2 and Track 3), which are played
7Select the part you want to edit: Main Melody, Track 2, or Track 3,
and press (OK).
The notes for that part are displayed. (In this
example, Main Melody was selected.)
008 is the current position of the cursor.
T1 shows that the Tempo is set to 1.
Initially, the quarter notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B are
8Compose your own melod y:
-To clear al l no te s w hen editing a track, press and ho ld .
-To move about the screen, press , , , and .
-To enter notes, press the keys to .
Up to 255 not es in three oct aves can b e ent er ed. (See th e
followi ng il lu st ra tion, which shows the cor r espondence betw een
the digit keys on the keypad and the musical scale in oc t aves.)