1 Monitor images on a PC
Image capture mode
2M Double Panorama [16:9]
1M Double Panorama [16:9]
1.3M Quad PTZ [4:3]
1.3M Single PTZ [4:3]
Double Panorama + Quad PTZ
Double Panorama + Single PTZ
2M Panorama [16:9]
1M Panorama [16:9]
Panorama + Quad PTZ
Panorama + Single PTZ
3M Fisheye [4:3]
1.3M Fisheye [4:3]
VGA Quad streams [4:3]
Double Panorama images with an aspect ratio of 16:9 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is
2 megapixel (1920(H)x1080(V)).
Double Panorama images with an aspect ratio of 16:9 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is
1 megapixel (1280(H)x720(V)).
Quad PTZ images with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is 1.3 megapixel (1280(H)x960(V)).
Single PTZ images with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is 1.3 megapixel (1280(H)x960(V)).
2 megapixel Double Panorama images (with an aspect ratio of 16:9) and 1.3 megapixel Quad PTZ images (with an aspect ratio of 4:3) can be transmitted at the same time.
2 megapixel Double Panorama images (with an aspect ratio of 16:9) and 1.3 megapixel Single PTZ images (with an aspect ratio of 4:3) can be transmitted at the same time.
Panorama images with an aspect ratio of 16:9 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is
2 megapixel (1920(H)x1080(V)).
Panorama images with an aspect ratio of 16:9 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is
1 megapixel (1280(H)x720(V)).
2 megapixel Panorama images (with an aspect ratio of 16:9) and
1.3megapixel Quad PTZ images (with an aspect ratio of 4:3) can be transmitted at the same time.
2 megapixel Panorama images (with an aspect ratio of 16:9) and
1.3megapixel Single PTZ images (with an aspect ratio of 4:3) can be transmitted at the same time.
Fisheye images with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is 3 megapixel (2048(H)x1536(V)).
Fisheye images with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are transmitted. The maximum image capture size that can be configured is 1.3 megapixel (1280(H)x960(V)).
Only H.264 images can be transmitted with quad streams for VGA.
1.2.3 Image types
1. Double Panorama
In Double Panorama, the panorama image is displayed with distortion correction performed on a 180° image for both the top and bottom parts of a fisheye image.
Operating Instructions