FS6300 NMS User Manual | 1 • Introduction |
Table 1 lists the messages that are displayed in certain situations during the login process.
Table 1. Troubleshooting messages
Message | Why am I getting this? | What do I do? |
You are logged in for the first time; | This | Refer to “Configuring your password |
would you like to reuse the existing | when you log on to the Application | before connecting to the client” on |
password or configure a new pass- | Client for the first time (only if this has | page 18 for the procedure. |
word? (See “Configuring your pass- | been enabled by your administrator). |
word before connecting to the client” |
on page 18). |
Your password has expired. Would | Your password has expired. | • You can either set a new password |
you like to reuse the old password or |
| or retain the old password. |
configure a New password? |
| • Click Reuse to keep the same pass- |
| |
| word and for the same expiration |
| period configured before. |
| • Click Configure to enter a new |
| password. Refer to “Configuring |
| your password before connecting to |
| the client” on page 18 for the pro- |
| cedure. |
| • If you do not have the permission |
| to set your password, contact your |
| system administrator. |
This User account has Expired. Please | Your user account has expired. The | Contact your system administrator to |
contact the Administrator for further | user account is created by your sys- | renew your user account. |
details | tem administrator. |
This User account is Disabled. Please | • Your user account has been dis- | Contact your system administrator to |
contact the Administrator for further | abled by your system administra- | enable your user account. |
details | tor. |
| • Also, if your consecutive login |
| attempts fail for a certain number |
| of retries (number is configured by |
| the administrator), the user |
| account is automatically disabled. |
Logging into the Application Client | 19 |