Additional information | 17 |
Country/Area code list
Country/Area, Country/Area code, Code letter
Argentina, 0118, ar Australia, 0121, au Austria, 0120, at Belgium, 0205, be Brazil, 0218, br Canada, 0301, ca Chile, 0312, cl China, 0314, cn Denmark, 0411, dk
Finland, 0609, fi France, 0618, fr Germany, 0405, de Hong Kong, 0811, hk India, 0914, in Indonesia, 0904, id Italy, 0920, it Japan, 1016, jp
Korea, Republic of, 1118, kr
Malaysia, 1325, my Mexico, 1324, mx Netherlands, 1412, nl New Zealand, 1426, nz Norway, 1415, no Pakistan, 1611, pk Philippines, 1608, ph Portugal, 1620, pt Russian Federation, 1821, ru
Singapore, 1907, sg Spain, 0519, es Sweden, 1905, se Switzerland, 0308, ch Taiwan, 2023, tw Thailand, 2008, th United Kingdom, 0702, gb USA, 2119, us
Screen sizes and disc formats
When viewing on a standard TV or monitor
Screen format of disc | Setting | Appearance |
16:9 | 4:3 (Letter Box) | The programme is shown in widescreen with |
| black bars at the top and bottom of the |
| screen. |
| 4:3 (Pan & Scan) | The sides of the programme are cropped so |
| that the picture fills the whole screen. |
4:3 | (Letter Box) | The programme is presented correctly on | ||
4:3 | (Pan & Scan) | either setting. | ||
When viewing on a widescreen TV or monitor
Screen format of disc | Setting | Appearance | |||||
16:9 |
| 16:9 |
| The programme is presented in widescreen. | |
4:3 | 16:9 |
| Your TV will determine how the picture is | |
| presented — check the manual that came |
| with the TV for details. |