Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
4. Highlight Start Manual Rebuild and press Enter.
The Manual Rebuild screen displays.
5. Highlight the Source Sequence Number and press Enter. Then type the ID
number of one of the physical drives you noted in step 3 and press Enter.
6. Highlight the Target Physical Drive ID and press Enter. Then type the ID
number of the new drive and press Enter.
7. Highlight Start Manual Rebuild and press Enter.
The time required for the Rebuild depends on the number and size of your
logical drives. You can monitor the progress of the Rebuild under
Background Activity.
Manual Rebuild: WebPAM PRO
If a physical drive has failed, identify and replace the drive, then rebuild the disk
array as described below:
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Disk Arrays icon.
3. Click the Disk Array icon.
If there are multiple disk arrays, choose the icon with the yellow !.
4. From the dropdown menu on the Background Activity tab, choose Start
5. Choose Source physical drive.
This is a remaining functional physical drive in the disk array.
6. Choose the Target physical drive.
This is the replacement physical drive.
7. Click the Submit button.
The Disk Array Background Activity tab will show the rebuild the replacement
(target) physical drive. Depending the size of the physical disk involved, this
process will take some time.
To view more information, click the Rebuild on PDx link.
To set Rebuild priority, see “Making Background Activity Settings” on page133.